LILFOX Custom Facials

LILFOX is the intersection of clean beauty, exceptional botanicals, beyond-the-imagination portions of lab actives, and out-of-the-ordinary aromatics and textures. Designed to relax, align, detox, and heal skin. The LILFOX Custom Facials include modalities like double cleansing, facial massage, cool therapy, aromatherapy, quartz crystals, and custom LILFOX finishing products. 60-90 min

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LILFOX is the intersection of clean beauty, exceptional botanicals, beyond-the-imagination portions of lab actives, and out-of-the-ordinary aromatics and textures. Designed to relax, align, detox, and heal skin. The LILFOX Custom Facials include modalities like double cleansing, facial massage, cool therapy, aromatherapy, quartz crystals, and custom LILFOX finishing products.


Treatable Concerns


Designed to relax, align, detox, and heal skin

How it Works

Why we Like it

Treatable Areas

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Treatment Process



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What our patients are saying

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Before & After

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Phone: 509.443.3594
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Not quite sure where to start?

Schedule a consultation with one of our expert providers. They will use their knowledge in the science and art of beauty, and years of valuable experience to create a unique treatment plan customized for you, your lifestyle, and your skin.

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Find us in downtown Spokane

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Monday - Friday
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:00 am - 3:00 pm


510 West Riverside Ave,
Suite 100
Spokane, WA