Signature Holistic Facial

Naturally lift and restore youthful, glowing skin, while simultaneously reducing puffiness and lymphatic stagnation. The Signature Holistic Facial includes: Double Cleanse, Facial Cupping, Gua Sha Massage, Thai Herbal Poultice & Customized Finishing Products. 75 min

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Naturally lift and restore youthful, glowing skin, while simultaneously reducing puffiness and lymphatic stagnation. The Signature Holistic Facial includes: Double Cleanse, Facial Cupping, Gua Sha Massage, Thai Herbal Poultice & Customized Finishing Products. 75 min

The Signature Holistic Facial features Facial Cupping, Gua Sha, and Thai Herbal Poultice. These modalities are used with specialized massage techniques on the face, neck, and chest. Each of them helps to strengthen the muscles, massage the fascia tissues, and improve skin’s health and radiance.

Facial Cupping: Small suction cups are used to create a gentle vacuum lift of the skin and other facial tissue. Lifting of the facial tissue activates lymphatic drainage to eliminate toxins, cellular waste, and excess fluids in the face and neck. Unlike mainstream body cupping, no marks remain on the skin after this treatment is performed.

Gua Sha: This facial massage method is based on traditional Chinese healing in which a gentle gliding technique promotes lymphatic drainage, stimulates circulation, helps promote collagen, decreases inflammation, and sculpts facial muscles.

Thai Herbal Poultice: This is a traditional holistic treatment that uses steamed organic herbs to help nutrients absorb and deeply nourish tired, inflamed skin. The specialized massage techniques support lymphatic flow and circulation for a sculpted, contoured, natural facelift. The warm therapeutic herbal massage also melts away the tension held in your face, helping with bound fascia, sore muscles and TMJ.

Benefits: Reduces Inflammation & Puffiness, Relieves Stress & Tension, Sculpts & Contours, Nourishes & Oxygenates Skin Tissue, Increases Lymphatic Flow, Stimulates Circulation, Softens Deep Wrinkles, Strengthens Skin & Connective Tissues

Recommended for: Stressed Skin, Dry, Aging Skin, Sagging Skin, Dark Circles, Dull Complexion


Treatable Concerns


Collagen Stimulation

Skin Rejuvenation


Tone & Texture

Lines & Wrinkles


Natural facelift

How it Works

Why we Like it

Treatable Areas

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Treatment Process



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What our patients are saying

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Before & After

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Schedule a consultation with one of our expert providers. They will use their knowledge in the science and art of beauty, and years of valuable experience to create a unique treatment plan customized for you, your lifestyle, and your skin.

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Monday - Friday
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:00 am - 3:00 pm


510 West Riverside Ave,
Suite 100
Spokane, WA